14 tahun yang lalu
Ahad, Februari 28, 2010
Rabu, Februari 24, 2010
Dialog Antara Persatuan Penduduk dan Penduduk Seri Nuang
Tarikh: 26 Feb 2010 (Jumaat)
Masa: 8.30 pagi
Tempat: Dataran Seri Nuang
Antara yang akan dibicangkan:
1. Isu pelekat kenderaan
2. Isu tempat letak kenderaan
3. Masalah rumah penduduk
4. Isu-isu sosial
5. Cadangan penambaikan kawan perumahan
6. Lain-lain perkara berbangkit.
Sapa-sapa yang ada aduan atau chadangan, bolehlah kemukan pada hari tersebut.
Jom pakat turun ramai-ramai
dialog penduduk
Selasa, Februari 23, 2010
1 Rumah 1 Perpustakaan

Pensyarah Jabatan Komunikasi, Fakulti Bahasa dan Komunikasi, Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM), Dr. Megat al-Imran Yassin berkata, rumah merupakan institusi terawal dan terpenting bagi seseorang individu mengenali buku sebelum melangkah ke sekolah, perpustakaan atau tempat lain selepas itu. Sehubungan itu katanya, ibu bapa memainkan peranan penting bagi memastikan konsep ‘satu rumah satu perpustakaan’ benar-benar berkesan.
“Kalau ibu bapa boleh membelikan barangan yang mahal setiap tahun pada majlis hari lahir anak mereka, mengapa tidak mampu untuk membeli buku sebagai hadiah. Buku boleh dijadikan koleksi dan seterusnya mewujudkan perpustakaan mini di rumah masing-masing,” katanya ketika dihubungi Utusan Malaysia di sini hari ini.
“Mewujudkan kafeteria dalam perpustakaan juga satu langkah yang baik untuk menarik minat orang mengunjungi perpustakaan,” katanya.
Presiden Pertubuhan Pemikir Profesional Melayu berkata, Prof. Datuk Dr. Kamarudin Kachar, amalan membaca dapat menajam dan membentuk ‘kuasa pemikiran’ di kalangan para pembacanya. Sehubungan itu, saya menyeru kepada seluruh rakyat Malaysia agar menanam minat membaca dan menjadikan amalan membaca sebagai satu budaya,” katanya.
library di rumah
Isnin, Februari 15, 2010
Recycled Day for February
Recycled programme for the month of February will be as follow:
Date: 21 Feb 2010 (Sunday)
Time: 10.00 - 10.30am
Venue: Wakaf Demokrasi
Come and join the programme.
Date: 21 Feb 2010 (Sunday)
Time: 10.00 - 10.30am
Venue: Wakaf Demokrasi
Come and join the programme.
Khamis, Februari 11, 2010
Water, electricity, basic food to be exempted from GST
KUALA LUMPUR, Feb 11 — About 40 basic goods and services will not be subjected to the new goods and services tax (GST).
These include basic foodstuffs, residential accommodation, health services, public transportation and domestic consumption of water and electricity up to a certain limit, said Finance Minister II Datuk Seri Ahmad Husni Mohamad Hanadzlah at the national conference on GST here today. He added that the government will also introduce an anti-profiteering law to ensure that businesses do not try to gain unjustifiable profits from GST. The Najib administration is proposing the implementation of GST to broaden the government’s tax base and raise revenue. In the region, only Malaysia, Brunei, Myanmar and Hong Kong have not implemented GST.
“If 143 countries have done it, why not us?" said Husni.
There has been some public concern that prices would be much higher post-GST implementation but Husni said that according to government calculations, the consumer price index, a measure of the inflation rate, would be lower. Dr Zakariah Abdul Rashid, executive director of the Malaysian Institute of Economic Research (MIER), said that GST will not result in higher prices across the board but will be lower in some categories and higher in others. He acknowledged however that GST will incur higher compliance costs but tax leakages will be reduced through thorough auditing. He also said that experience in other countries showed that consumers would stock up on items perceived to go up in prices ahead of GST but it would be a temporary effect.
“Consumption and growth returns to normal after a short period of time,” said Zakaria. “GST will result in a one off change in aggregate price level.”
He also suggested that the government provide rebates to cushion the effects of GST and that through GST, other forms of tax such as corporate and income may be reduced. Husni said that the government would continuously look at ways to make Malaysia’s tax structure regionally competitive.
“We have reduced our corporate tax and we have shown to be willing to reduce personal income tax in specific instances (Iskandar),” said Husni. “The GST therefore should be seen as an integral part of the country’s economic strategy.”
Source: The Malaysian Insider
These include basic foodstuffs, residential accommodation, health services, public transportation and domestic consumption of water and electricity up to a certain limit, said Finance Minister II Datuk Seri Ahmad Husni Mohamad Hanadzlah at the national conference on GST here today. He added that the government will also introduce an anti-profiteering law to ensure that businesses do not try to gain unjustifiable profits from GST. The Najib administration is proposing the implementation of GST to broaden the government’s tax base and raise revenue. In the region, only Malaysia, Brunei, Myanmar and Hong Kong have not implemented GST.
“If 143 countries have done it, why not us?" said Husni.
There has been some public concern that prices would be much higher post-GST implementation but Husni said that according to government calculations, the consumer price index, a measure of the inflation rate, would be lower. Dr Zakariah Abdul Rashid, executive director of the Malaysian Institute of Economic Research (MIER), said that GST will not result in higher prices across the board but will be lower in some categories and higher in others. He acknowledged however that GST will incur higher compliance costs but tax leakages will be reduced through thorough auditing. He also said that experience in other countries showed that consumers would stock up on items perceived to go up in prices ahead of GST but it would be a temporary effect.
“Consumption and growth returns to normal after a short period of time,” said Zakaria. “GST will result in a one off change in aggregate price level.”
He also suggested that the government provide rebates to cushion the effects of GST and that through GST, other forms of tax such as corporate and income may be reduced. Husni said that the government would continuously look at ways to make Malaysia’s tax structure regionally competitive.
“We have reduced our corporate tax and we have shown to be willing to reduce personal income tax in specific instances (Iskandar),” said Husni. “The GST therefore should be seen as an integral part of the country’s economic strategy.”
Source: The Malaysian Insider
Jumaat, Februari 05, 2010

There are various game formats such as "capture the flag", "centre flag", "protect the president", "rescue the hostage" etc. Normally a group of players will be divided into two teams to play "capture the flag". The objective is to go out and capture the opponent's flag whilst protecting your own flag. Players must eliminate their opponents by tagging them with paintball mark.
Paintball is also a great stress reliever and a chance to shake off your day-to-day responsibilities. Between games, players take a break whilst sharing stories about the thrills of victory and the usually funny agonies of defeat. Win or lose, everyone had a good time and there will always a chance for you to reclaim the bragging righ.
Source: http://www.putrapaintball.com/location.html
Seri Nuang kena buat satu game paintball satu hari nanti ni.
Rabu, Februari 03, 2010
Meeting Surau Al-Ikhwan

Sila hadherkan diri anda ke meeting pada:
Tarikh: 7 Feb 2010 (Ahad)
Masa: 8.45 pm
Tempat: Surau Al-Ikhwan
Kehadiran adalah wajib.
meeting surau
Catatan (Atom)